

Impression: 2/5pts I am very much pro-choice, so I was a bit offended when I first loaded your page, but, to each his own. I took off points not only because I find such a thing offensive, but I'm quite sure that I'm not the only one who would be taken aback and influenced by it.

Title: 5/5pts It matches your layout, and being pro-life is obviously an important thing for you (what with your layout being based on it) so...good.

Layout: 7/10pts The entire layout is pretty much uniform and easy to work with. It's not the most technologically advanced in the world, but it works for you (obviously, because it was designed by you...der).

Extras: 5/5pts I like how you have a section dedicated to lyrics that you feel express yourself. You've got a cast list, rings, quizzes, and even funny connotations taken from you and your friends. Just enough to keep people interested, but not much more than they can stand.

Quality of your Entries: 28/35pts Overall the quality of your entries is a bit above what one would normally expect to find. I love your sense of humor. Some of your entries are short updates rather than accounts, though, and you don't have the dates listed for the entries. I imagine they would be dissapointing for a regular reader. I've had a few days like this. Makes you wanna pull your hair out and feed it to someone, doesn't it? 55 points worth of suckage... *uncontrollable snort*... haha...
Looks like you have the right idea going on here, quality over quantity. It's extremely rare to find someone who fixes their mistakes without having to be told to do so... Maybe you should look into keeping a dream log, you multi-tasker, you. Freud needed to be hanged upside down whilst hundreds of monkeys ripped apart his lower regions... I never understood that man...

Errors: 8/10 You have a few grammatical errors and the ocassional misspelling (har XD), but they're not things that completely prevent anyone from understanding it.

Lizard Love: 3/?pts
I'm in love with your sense of humor, I found myself laughing with almost every entry.

Overall: 15/20pts Something I could definitely find the time to mull over on my Sunday readings. It's a good read.

Replay Value: 8/10pts I'll be back (no pun intended, my apologies to your father)...

Results: 81/100pts Grade: B+

Reviewed by: apocalizard

Comments: Just as an ending note, death is not an option, it's inevitable. Life is a fatal, sexually transmitted disease.