The White Stripes


Impression: 8/10pts Mmmmm....candy canes.

Title: 5/5pts The title matches everything, albeit a little plain, it gets the point across. Maybe you could try a song lyric from the Stripes?

Layout: 18/20pts A layout by you, kudos and well done! The links are neatly stacked to the right, out of the way and labeled. The tagboard looks as though it's been slapped at the bottom for lack of space. Granted, it makes people read your entry before breaking their necks to tag you, but it's a bit annoying. Stats trackers are ugly (and it looks bad underneath your neato pic), but there's not much you can do about that except move it under the tagboard maybe? (no points taken). The layout itself is nothing extremely spectacular, but it works, and I rather like it.

Extras: 5/5pts tagboard, guestbook, notes, aim, rings, surveys contacts, dream journal, cast, wishlist, woah! You've got plenty of doo-dads. :)

Quality of your Entries: 16/20pts You write about what happened, and how you felt, and even throw in a little extra sarcasm and wit sometimes. That's good, but it's not very interesting. Though, you're not really writing for other people, are you?

Errors: 7/10 There are cases where you've misspelled a word, left out a word, or used some form of inccorect grammar, but it's not so horrendous that it makes your entries unable to read, and it's probably just a typo.

Lizard Love: 5/??pts I'm a huge fan of red, especially red, black, and white layouts. Kudos for being your own designer, too.

Overall: 17/20pts I took points because it's not really appealing to the general audience, your writing style doesn't suck the reader in, but I state again that it was probably never your intention. You've got wit, and you can see it, but you don't use it nearly enough. I get the impression that this is a diary meant only for your entertainment, and whether anyone reads it except your friends and yourself doesn't really matter to you. Overall, it's your diary, your thoughts for your own recollection and peace of mind. Plain and simple. You have another diary for your deeper subconscious stuff. More people should have extra diaries like this, it causes less wrinkles when you're older. I love grocery shopping too, by the way. Health food rocks, unless it sucks. I'm also sorry you already have a bad opinion on reviewers. I would never ask that you change your writing style, but maybe that you evolve it slowly into something that is still completely you, but on a different level (which is going to happen anyway they call it "growing up." be prepared :)). I'm glad that you have high opinions of your friends, it seems as though they've helped you tremendously, and you appreciate it, but they still screw up sometimes, and so do you.

Replay Value: 5/10pts Definitely worth the submission, but I'll not be coming back on a daily basis. I can relate to some of your entries, though, so I'll probably be back to check up on you because you struck a "chord."

Results: 86/100pts Grade: B-

Reviewed by: apocalizardn

Comments: If you're looking for something to pick your brain, this ain't it. If you've just got a fetish for reading about normal, everyday people's lives, you'll be in heaven. You stay true to your feelings, but occasionally, you still contemplate about whether or not you should write something down for fear of others who might read. It's your diary, hon, write whatevertheflip you're feeling, and let go. Pirates of the Carribean, was orgasmic, wasn't it? I'd like to shiver Johnny Depp's timbers...Anyway, back to you. I'd would advise keeping a separate (private) journal (online or not) with which to practice your writing skills, there is a lot of room for improvement as far as structure goes. Keep your main journal exactly as it is, though, you seem quite happy with it. The only thing I beg of you, is please, put that UGLY stats tracker someplace far from your pic. It draws in the eye because it's rainbowfied, and everything else is black, red, and white.